Friday, September 23, 2011

A Gypsy Soul

My son-in-law tells me I have a gypsy soul.  I kind of like that.  He says this because of my unsettled ways I guess, like my constant searching for the ever elusive career.  That has never materialized for me.  I've started a million different jobs, ended each and every one of them.  Something was always 'not right', so to speak.  I say my career was raising my kids.......does that count?  As a career I mean.  I'm saying it does.  Why not, right?  The only difference is that I don't get a pension, unless you count my grand kids.
So, a gypsy soul.  I like it more and more.  Maybe I feel connected with that because I always want to take off to the mountains, I don't know.  The mountains sort of beckon to me, calling to me to throw down whatever stupid dust rag or vacuum I happen to be keeping company with, and crawl up underneath some big pine tree and watch the clouds.  Picnic tables are like beacons, especially ones that have been grown over from years of disuse.  All dark, hidden in some forest, tucked among the trees like a silent testament of long ago sojourns.  Oh, I love that.  So mysterious.  If possible I'd stop at every one of them, haul out my camp stove and make a pot of coffee.  Maybe start a fire if I'm there for a while.  Maybe pull out a sleeping bag too, who knows.  So much to do.  You see, somebody who thinks this way has very little chance at holding down an 8 to 5.  In fact, that is an impossibility.  My mind simply cannot allow that.  No way to breathe.  I should have become a forest ranger.  hmmm.  But only if I can pick where to 'ranger' at.  It would need to be spectacular, cool, and maybe a little off the beaten track.  Oh, there goes my mind again.  Sometimes it just won't stop.  Maybe I"ll just buy an old wooden wagon, paint the outside in colors that suit my fancy (for that day anyway) and hit the would need to be a dirt road.  I'll need to take my dogs, and my husband too, only if he will be a sport and wear an earring or two and tie a scarf around his head, otherwise he might not be able to trail along with this crazy gypsy lady.  I'll need to thank my son-in-law....I have found a new purpose.  Crazy old lady Seng does have a gypsy soul.  I'm going with that!

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