Friday, June 28, 2013

If I were 21 again...

...what would I do you may ask?  Well, this is what I'd do.  I would go to New York, I would go to San Fransico, and I might go to Rome.  I would visit the countryside of Iowa.  I would ride a horse through the farmlands of Idaho.  I would swim in the Great Salt Lake.  I would camp out under pine trees so high you may wonder if night has really fallen.  I would hike gorgeous trails and fish beautiful rivers in incredible states like Wyoming and Montana and Utah.  I would take all the dirt roads I've passed and thought..."hmmm, I'll drive that road one day."  Yep, all those dirt roads leading off into mountains that had a hint of green on them, but I knew they promised great things once I arrived.  I'd just keep exploring and see what life brought my way.  These are some of the things I would do if I were 21 again.  But, only if I could have my family that I have now.  Without my kids and grandbabies, and my sweet husband, I don't know that life would be this wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your fun site! I enjoyed reading your articles, I am almost your age, born in April 1955. Ahhh, the good ole days....but, if we had only known...
    I love your aprons, and found you through Pinterest. When I say you were an Arizona girl, that always intrigues me, so, it warrants a visit! I am from Willcox, by way of Iowa-when I was 13. Now, I live up in the WHITE MOUNTAINS! Beautiful Eagar/Springerville....we sure are loving our cool temps the past few days!
    I hope you post again soon! I enjoy your stories, and the apron pictures are awesome!
    Do you sell lots of your sweet aprons!?
    Enjoy the weather...monsoon is on its way!
