Thursday, January 1, 2015

I'm going on a walkabout....solo....oh yes, I am...

...and I can not wait!  I'm going to drive the back roads of Arizona.  Take any damn road I want, at any time I want.  I'll stop and haul out my camp stove, perch it on a hunk of petrified wood and make a cup of coffee, or read a book next to some random red rock in the Painted Desert.  I'll make a campfire and fry me up some raccoon!  Just joking about the raccoon BUT I will drive where the road leads and as my daughter Jo would say, I'll "stay the course"!   I'll go until I want to stop.  Maybe I will camp or take a little quaint cabin in the middle of nowhere.  Maybe I'll just drive down some dirt road and find an open meadow with a lovely stream and stay there for the duration of my 14 day journey.  Who knows.  Who cares!  I've started my list of all necessary items needed.  Yes.  A type of a bucket list for my summer 2015 adventure because I'll need things I don't possess  at the present like, well, a kayak.  I'm going to need one of those for when I come upon a glassy blue lake and it beckons me forward with an almost audible sigh of longing and loss from years of deprivation!  Who suffered the deprivation, me or the lake?  Both I think.
I urge everybody to start your year with plans for an adventure.  A solo adventure would be the best, but if you're new at this, perhaps bring along a buddy.  But make damn sure that he or she makes no demands of you and they absolutely CAN NOT have any influence on your decisions or desires.  This is your trip.
Now, off to search for kayaks.  Stay tuned....

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